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Learn how to release, lengthen and fully relax muscle tension to eliminate pain and improve movement. Gain more voluntary control of chronically tight muscles from a first person perspective, which is the body experienced from the inside out, and how to retain muscle function and fluid movement in a gentle and safe manner. By addressing the feelings and body processes from within, change takes place at the level of the central nervous system, and therefore the results are much more powerful and longer lasting. If you wish to eliminate muscle tension, reduce chronic pain or simply want to improve your breathing, posture, balance and overall performance by moving with a greater self-awareness, this education is for you!
After watching the Introductory video on Restorative Movement Education, visit the movement library to apply what you have learned and experience the power of mindful movement for yourself.
Interview with Sandy Rosen the owner/director of BEZ Arts Hub in Langley, B.C.
"Join us for a unique look at a movement wellness strategy that targets muscle activation to relaxation to enable optimal movement preparedness and minimal movement injury. Our guest Teresa Ojinma has a unique perspective as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Kinesiologist and an Essential Somatics Movement Teacher who cares about the ongoing wellbeing of movers and people everywhere."
What conditions can Restorative Movement Education help?
Begin your week by learning how to release, lengthen and completely relax tension in your body, so that you can move freely and confidently.
5 sessions (60 min/session)
Starting Feb 17th - Ending Mar 17th
Learn how to release, lengthen and completely relax tension in your body, calm your mind, reduce midday stress!
5 sessions (60 min/session)
Starting Feb 20th - Ending Mar 20th
Learn how release, lengthen and completely relax tight muscles, while cultivating a greater self-awareness!
5 sessions (60 min/session)
Starting Feb 18th - Ending Mar 18th
Experience one-one-one Restorative Movement Education sessions in the comfort of your own home or at the Home Fitness Plus Clinic in Abbotsford.
Experience one-one-one Restorative Movement Education sessions in the comfort of your own home.
"I was involved in a severe car accident a few years ago where a drunk driver hit me from behind at about 80kmh. The whiplash was quite severe and life altering. I spent months in rehab and physio getting IMS and all sorts of other treatments like massage therapy etc. They seem to help temporarily but they just wouldn't release the tension in my neck and upper back and they started to cost too much money.
Teresa introduced me to somatics and gave me a few free lessons at first, to see if it would help and to practice her teaching. In the initial session, I followed her movement cues along and about an hour in my neck and face started feeling numb. I started crying as though the emotion from the accident was suppressing my neck from healing. I felt this release in my neck that I couldn't find in any other treatments. I started going to her classes once a week and learning more about somatics. It has been fascinating to learn and Teresa has a gift of teaching that is second to none. She's comfortable to be around and very encouraging.
I've incorporated somatics in my routine at home and it's helped me in various ways especially sleeping. Its important to be disciplined of course like anything in life but when I am it's of great benefit. I still have a long healing journey ahead of me but somatics will be a big part of that along the way."
"For the first time in a year and a half, I can feel my whole body come to center."
~ Erik M., Cloverdale, BC
"I fee light! . . . My neck feels like a rod holding my head up higher."
~Lucija N., South Surrey, BC
"I feel more relaxed and lighter on my feet . . . I feel like a ninja!"
~Chris D., Delta, BC
"I feel good this morning. Going to the gym for the first time in over a month . . .the session definitely made a difference."
Connie M., White Rock, BC
"I haven't been able to 'feel' my feet since I was twelve years old! I have always ignored my feet because they felt like clubs. I couldn't trust them. Now, they have come alive!"
"I can't wait to try my 'new' feet!"
Stephanie O., South Surrey, BC
"Instead of waking up two or three times in the night, she slept through the whole night!"
Edina D., mother of 9 year old daughter, Surrey, BC
"I learned a lot about myself---I learned to not bury things, to sense and feel my body more and not just take it for granted. I feel so much freer. I have found strength in myself that I didn't realize I had, the camaraderie was fun and the best experience would be coming home to myself." - Cheryl M.